Cairo Plastic Clinic
Plastic Cosmetic Surgery Egypt 42 Dokki St.,
Cairo, Cairo 12311
ph: +2 01221119853
fax: +2 02 37603123
alt: +2 01288035368
Secondary Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a secondary nose job, is a surgical procedure that corrects a deformity resulting from a previous surgery or surgeries on the nose.
Rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult plastic surgery procedures to perform. The difference between a good result and a poor result is a millimeter. Rhinoplasty surgery is as much about art as it is surgery.Any ensuing deformity in the most prominent organ of the face becomes a terrible stigma branding both patient and surgeon. Because Dr. Wilson is a renowned expert when it comes to surgery on the nose, he frequently gets referrals from less experienced surgeons with less than satisfactory results on the nares of their patients. Sometimes the patients seek the expertise of Dr. Wilson directly in having their deformity corrected.
Secondary rhinoplasaty is a challenging surgery, and the more the number of previous surgeries done, the more the challenge to the current surgeon.
However the alternative of permanently living with a deformed nose is unacceptable to all patients, so they usually undergo that challenging surgery in order to restore the shpe of the nose.
During your rhinoplasty consultation, you will be asked the exact problem bothering you with the shape of your nose. Dr. Wilson will examine the inside and outside structure of your nose, and would like to see pictures of your nose before the surgery and (if possible) the operative notes of the previous surgeon who operated on the nose. He will discuss the possibilities with you, and might request radiograohic images (suh as a CT scan). He will also explain the factors that can influence the procedure and the results. These factors include the structure of your nasal bones and cartilage, the shape of your face, the thickness of your skin, your age, and your expectations.
You may also schedule an additional consultation to preview computer imaging. These may help you visualize the results of each technique that Dr. Wilson has specifically designed for your surgery.
The open approach is the one Dr. Wilson prefers during secondary rhinoplasty. It is performed by separating the skin of the nose from its supporting framework of bone and cartilage. The nose is then sculpted to the desired shape. There are an infinite number of techniques which can be utilized to sculpt the underlying framework. Sometimes, the position of certain bones may need to be altered slightly in order to make your nose look narrower and straighter. If your nose needs to be built up in some areas, this can be done using nasal cartilage, or perhaps bone or cartilage from another site. The skin and soft tissues then redrape themselves over this new "scaffolding."
After surgery, a splint is applied to help your nose maintain its new shape. Soft plastic splints may also be placed in your nostrils to stabilize the septum and divide the wall between the air passages in order to improve your nasal airway.
Some of the potential complications include numbness of the skin but is usually temporary. Occasionally, if the surgical outcome needs further improvement, additional surgery may be necessary.
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Tip Definition This 29 year old female had previous surgery that left her with a broad tip. She desired a more defined raised tip. Corrective surgery by Dr. Wilson involved creation of a new better defined tip.
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Boxy Broad Tip, and Nasal Deviation CorrectionThis 19 year old female had previous surgery that destroyed all the cartilages in the tip of her nose. Corrective surgery by Dr. Wilson involved creation of a new triangular tip.
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Marked Nasal Deviation Correction This 29 year old female had previous surgery that resulted in a deviated nose and asymmetry of the nasal openings. Corrective surgery by Dr. Wilson restored the symmetry.
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Crooked Nose Correction This 29 year old male had previous surgery that resulted in a deviated crooked nose and asymmetry of the nasal openings. Corrective surgery by Dr. Wilson restored the symmetry and improved the breathing.
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Indented Dorsum and Nasal Deviation CorrectionThis 49 year old male had previous surgery that deviated the nose and caused irregularities in the dorsum of the nose. Corrective surgery by Dr. Wilson involved putting cartilage grafts from the ribs.
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Irregular Broad Deviated Dorsum: This 37 year had previous surgery that caused irregularities in the dorsum of the nose which was indented, broad and irregular. Corrective surgery by Dr. Wilson involved putting local cartilage grafts and bony remodelling.
Rhinoplasty: Boxy Tip, Huge Nose, This 22 year old female had a high boxy tip of the nose, overhanging columella, asymmetric alae nasi and an ugly nose. Corrective surgery pointed the tip and gave it a more aesthetic appearance, corrected the nasal openings and gave it a more cosmetic appearance. Note the more physiologic appearance of the nasal apertures and new pleasant pointed raised tip.
And view from below:
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Irregular Depressed Deviated Dorsum: This 22 year had previous fracture of the nose that was left untreated. Nose dorsum was irregular, indented and broad. Corrective surgery by Dr. Wilson involved putting local cartilage grafts and bony remodelling.
Secondary Nose Job: Drooping tip and Nasal Deviation Correction: This 37 year old male had previous surgery following an accident and got a crooked nose with drooping tip and deviation. Dr Wilson did corrective surgery to raise the tip and straighten the nose leading to a more cosmetic outcome.
Full Nose Job Rhinoplasty: Correction of Dorsal Hump, Deviation and Nasal Tip:
Professor Wilson performed a full closed Rhinoplasty Nose Job on this 28 year old woman. She had previous traumatic nasal deviation. He corrected the deviated nose and also narrowed the wide hump. The tip was modified, rendering it more defined and harmonious with the cosmetic appearance of the face.
Hump removed in one piece:
Rhinoplasty: Dorsal hump and Broad Tip : This 34 year old female had a prominent hump and deformity in the dorsum from previous broken nose. Corrective surgery by Dr. Wilson involved corection of the deformities and restoring the normal hump.
And area of hump removed:
And early result after the surgery:
Rhinoplasty: Deformed Huge Beak Dorsum, and Nasal Deviation Correction This 17 year old female had a very prominent hump and beak deformity in the dorsum. Corrective surgery by Dr. Wilson involved corection of the deformities and restoring a natural cosmetic appearance.
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Deformed Dorsum, and Nasal Deviation Correction This 17 year old female had previous surgery that left her nose deviated and hump prominent. Corrective surgery by Dr. Wilson involved corection of the deformities.
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Deviated Nose, Overhanging tip, Dorsal Hump This 38 year old female had her nose broken many years ago and resulted in a deviated nose, dorsal hump, asymmetric alae nasi and overhanging parrot beak tip. Corrective surgery raised the tip and gave it a more aesthetic appearance, removed the hump, corrected the nasal deviation and gave it a more cosmetic appearance. Note the more harmonious appearance after the rhinoplasty.
And Side View:
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Boxy Broad Tip, and Nasal Deviation CorrectionThis 33 year old female had previous surgery that resulted in a boxy deviated tip of her nose. Corrective surgery by Dr. Wilson involved creation of a new triangular tip.
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Boxy High Tip This 24 year old male had previous surgery that resulted in a high stretched tip of the nose. Corrective surgery lowered the tip and gave it a more aesthetic appearance. Note the more physiologic appearance of the nasal apertures.
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Boxy Tip, Huge Nose, Dorsal Hump This 27 year old female had previous surgery that resulted in a high boxy tip of the nose, dorsal hump, asymmetric alae nasi and an ugly nose. Corrective surgery lowered the tip and gave it a more aesthetic appearance, removed the hump, corrected the nasal openings and gave it a more cosmetic appearance. Note the more physiologic appearance of the nasal apertures.
Filler Injection in nose to treat Saddle Dorsum: This 64 year old female had previous faulty surgery that destroyed her nose septum and got her a saddle nose. Prof Wilson injected 1.5 ml of Filler to raise the dorsum and give her a more cosmetic appearance.
Deviated nose treated by Filler Injection in Dorsum: This 33 year old female had a nose job and ended up with a deviated dorsum. She refused further surgery, so Prof Wilson injected 2 ml of Hyaluronic acid fillers in the nose. He camouflaged the deviation and the patient was satisfied.
Copyright 2009 Cairo Plastic Surgery. All rights reserved.
Egyptian Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons
Cairo Plastic Clinic
Plastic Cosmetic Surgery Egypt 42 Dokki St.,
Cairo, Cairo 12311
ph: +2 01221119853
fax: +2 02 37603123
alt: +2 01288035368